03333 207 300
Register your enquiry with us - the leading provider of criminal record checks in the UK.

If you are an organisation that needs to submit online criminal record checks, we'd love to talk to you.

Please use the form below to:
  1. Tell us who you are
  2. Tell us what you need
  3. Tell us the best time to call you

Please note - individuals are not legally entitled to submit criminal record checks. If you're an individual that needs a criminal record check, you must apply via your organisation.

Tell us who you are

By giving us your details, we can provide your organisation with information relevant to your needs.

Tell us what you need

By informing us of how many applications you may require over the coming 12 months, we are able to recommend the most cost-effective solution.

Tell us the best time to call you

Simply choose your appointment time. One of our knowledgeable client support advisors will call you and help you choose the right service for your organisation.